

Il sopralluogo (a lato rappresentato nella cosiddetta fase di repertazione cioè “raccolta e registrazione dei corpi di reato”) è un’operazione tipica dell’attività investigativa e medico-legale. - Il sopralluogo giudiziario comprende tutte le indagini che vengono svolte nel luogo dove si...

14.11.09 Ritual rape PDF  | Stampa |  E-mail",  By Richard Smith 14/11/2009

A convicted killer, Mark Shirley, 39, was found guilty of raping a 40-year-old woman.
He attacked her at knife-point in her own home in a bid to reenact a ritualistic murder he committed 22 years ago.

Shirley was 16 when he murdered Mary Wainwright, 67.
He was given a life sentence but released on parole for the second time in August 2008.

Seven months ago he was released from jail on parole.

He will be sentenced on December 15.