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15.10.09 Domestic violence PDF  | Stampa |  E-mail

da "", By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 8:24 AM on 15th October 2009

It emerged last night.
A millionaire banker who strangled his wife could walk free from prison in three years.
Neil Ellerbeck, 46, was jailed for eight years for manslaughter after he was convicted of killing his wife, also 46, at their home last year.
But that could be halved for good behaviour and as he has already spent nearly a year in custody awaiting trial, he could be free by November 2012. 
That has angered anti-domestic violence groups.
Ellerbeck killed his wife last November after she threatened to leave him following an argument about their daughter's education.

She sustained 45 injuries during a 55-minute struggle at their home in London.


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