

Il sopralluogo (a lato rappresentato nella cosiddetta fase di repertazione cioè “raccolta e registrazione dei corpi di reato”) è un’operazione tipica dell’attività investigativa e medico-legale. - Il sopralluogo giudiziario comprende tutte le indagini che vengono svolte nel luogo dove si...

28.10.09 Boston psychiatric patient fatally shot PDF  | Stampa |  E-mail

da "", "Boston Psychiatric Patient Fatally Shot by Cops After Stabbing Doctor", Tuesday, October 27, 2009 

BOSTON —  A man stabbed a doctor while being treated at a psychiatric ward at a Boston medical building Tuesday and was fatally shot by an off-duty security guard who saw the attack.

The female doctor, whose name was not released, was in stable condition. Police say the suspect died of the gunshot wounds.

The attack took place at the Massachusetts General Hospital Bipolar Clinic & Research Program, in a building near the main hospital. The program provides clinical care, conducts research and educating the community about bipolar disorder.