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24.10.09 Teachers have been banned from contacting students on social networking sites PDF  | Stampa |  E-mail

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By Tanya Chilcott, The Courier-Mail, October 24, 2009

... and now ... Revised Code of Conduct.

TEACHERS have been banned from contacting students on Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and other social networking sites.

More than 30 Queensland teachers have had their registration cancelled for unprofessional relationships with pupils over the past three years.

The Courier-Mail has spoken to several teachers who have confirmed they interact with students, both past and present, via their Facebook sites.

"If you use internet social networks in your personal time you must ensure that the content is appropriate and private, and that you restrict access to specific people who are not students", the revised Code of Conduct states.

An Education Queensland spokeswoman confirmed that obscene language, and jokes containing sexual references and sexual exhibitionism would be considered inappropriate content.

The revised code applies to all Department of Education staff including principals, janitors and public servants. It does allow for social website contact in "reasonable" circumstances.

Queensland Association of State School Principals, Queensland Council of Parents and Citizens Associations and Queensland Council for Civil Liberties all support the ban on social website contact, arguing contact can be fraught with danger.