

Il sopralluogo (a lato rappresentato nella cosiddetta fase di repertazione cioè “raccolta e registrazione dei corpi di reato”) è un’operazione tipica dell’attività investigativa e medico-legale. - Il sopralluogo giudiziario comprende tutte le indagini che vengono svolte nel luogo dove si...

13.10.09 The Akuntsu (Amazionan tribe). Just five members left living PDF  | Stampa |  E-mail

da "", "Amazon tribe has just five members left. The Akuntsu, an ancient Amazonian tribe, has just five members left living in Brazil", Published 13 Oct 2009
The eldest member of the tribe, Ururu, who was considered the matriarch of the last six survivors, died earlier this month.

The members are all aged between 25 and 50.

Dozens of members of the tribe were reportedly massacred in 1990 during the arrival of migrant workers.

Their case only came to light in 1995 when they were first contacted by investigators who were seeking to gain greater knowledge of who populated their region.