

Il sopralluogo (a lato rappresentato nella cosiddetta fase di repertazione cioè “raccolta e registrazione dei corpi di reato”) è un’operazione tipica dell’attività investigativa e medico-legale. - Il sopralluogo giudiziario comprende tutte le indagini che vengono svolte nel luogo dove si...

9.10.09 Details of girl's death on Facebook PDF  | Stampa |  E-mail

da, "Family learns of daughter's death via Facebook post", AAP, October 09, 2009

DETAILS of a car crash in which a teenage girl died have been posted on the Facebook social networking site before her family was informed. The 16-year-old was passenger and died at the scene of the crash in the southern Perth suburb of Leda yesterday about 8pm.

Police say the girl, from Baldivis, was not wearing a seatbelt when the car rolled in Gilmore Avenue.

Sergeant Graham Clifford said distressed family members arrived at the scene after news of the crash had been posted on Facebook.