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27.8.09 Luke James Colless guilty of bikepath rapes

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August 27, 2009

PROSECUTORS have asked for a life sentence for a Brisbane father whose two-year spree of sexual assaults on women exercising along bikeways triggered one of Queensland's biggest police operations.

Luke James Colless, 32, has pleaded guilty to five counts of rape, six counts of sexual assault and two counts of assault occasioning bodily harm during attacks on 11 women.

In a statement read to the Brisbane District Court today, the married father of four apologised to his victims and said he feared going to jail.

The attacks - along with 24 offences by 11 other people - were investigated under Operation Echo Shine, which began in August 2006 and involved almost 500 officers tracking down 4600 lines of inquiry.

The breakthrough came when a witness took down the registration of Colless' vehicle and reported it to police after a Kangaroo Point attack.

Colless' DNA was later matched to two cases, prompting him to confess to the others.
Director of Public Prosecutions Tony Moynihan asked for Colless to be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Mr Moynihan said Colless was "a serial rapist with uncontrollable compulsions to violently attack women in public places", who conducted systematic attacks over a two-year period.

"It was a callous disregard for the dignity of the women involved ... capture was the only way he would've stopped," Mr Moynihan said.

"... Serial rapists terrorise and cause fear - damage caused is widely spread amongst the community," he said in asking for a life sentence.

Colless, a Brisbane landscaper, attacked 11 women on Brisbane's bikeways and at Kangaroo Point between April 2006 and July 2008, the court heard.

He developed fetishes at the age of 11, when he would steal women's underwear.

The court heard Colless' sexual offences on the bikeways developed into a ritual and occurred while he was on his way to work.

He would watch women before changing into his running gear and stalking them.

Mr Moynihan told the court Colless would then attack them by putting his hand over their mouth, and in some cases, digitally penetrating them.

He punched two victims in the head, one of whom was attempting to fight back by grabbing his testicles.

He also threatened to kill one victim.

"Each has also suffered emotional and psychological trauma ... it's had a devastating effect on their quality of life," Mr Moynihan said of the impact on the victims.

Defence barrister Tony Kimmins apologised to the victims and the police service on behalf of his client and requested Colless be given a prison sentence of between 10 and 14 years.

He also read out a letter of apology from Colless.

"From the depth of my heart I am sorry," the statement said.

"I'm sorry for the pain, heartache, suffering and fear that I have caused.

"I cannot imagine the pain."

In the letter, Colless also said he feared going to jail.

"I would be fibbing if I said I was not scared of the outcome," he said.

"But I have brought it upon myself and deserve what I am given."

Mr Kimmins said despite the offences, his client was supported by his wife and family.

One rape took place at Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast.

Judge Marshall Irwin is expected to sentence Colless tomorrow.