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12.9.09 Maori 'not retarded borderline psychotics'

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From correspondents in Auckland, New Zealand
September 11, 2009

A CONTROVERSIAL claim that New Zealand Maori have a "warrior gene" that makes them violent has been debunked by science.

Three years ago two Kiwi researchers revealed at a Brisbane conference their radical belief that Maori were genetically wired to commit acts of brutality.

They claimed that indigenous New Zealanders carried a gene called monoamine oxidase, dubbed the "warrior gene", explaining why they were over-represented in jails and the crime statistics.

The pair faced a barrage of criticism and have now had their theory disproved in a new review which found no such gene exists.

Researcher Gary Hook found "there is no evidence to indicate that the behavioural characteristics of Maori as a people are in anyway unusual".

"Maori are not borderline psychotics, retarded, hyper-aggressive, depressive, antisocial, impulsive, suicidal risk takers and to suggest otherwise is irresponsible and not supported by the facts," Dr Hook wrote.

 He said there was evidence the two researchers had made several serious flaws in their scientific reasoning.

And not only was the science criticised but the ethics of claiming a "genetic explanation for negative social and health statistics" had been questioned, he said.

"While conviction rates for domestic violence of Maori exceed those of any other group there is no indication that the (monoamine oxidase gene) system carried by Maori functions any differently from that of any other ethnic group and certainly no evidence to indicate that it was anything to do with violent behaviour in Maori."

Racial stereotyping, particularly by scientists, was "unethical and scandalous", he said.

One of New Zealand's leading Maori politicians, Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia, applauded the latest findings and said the original researchers had let down indigenous people.

"I'm disappointed that two reputed scientists have done a disservice to a vulnerable part of our society and science by claiming they have come up with a breakthrough when all they have really done is make our job of finding solutions even harder," she said.